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Preliminary Application for Job
Info: Employees

Preliminary Application

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    Corporate Jobs

    The CONSAM Management is for people who are gentlemen yet aggressive in terms of working – style, dedicated with long – term plans, ambitious for not only earning money but learning in order to deliver best productivity and being with the Company. This management is for people confident about making it the largest, most efficient and productive management capable of managing anything in the best way & getting best production (a style of management capable of doing the same job others do but in a better way).

    Requirement of a CONSAM Employee/Executive/Manager: The foremost requirement of a CONSAM Manager is to have Entrepreneurial Tendencies necessary for ensuring a CONSAM Company to be rich in terms of managing risks of varied businesses it tends to do.

    • A CONSAM Company strongly believes in long-term Welfare of its Employees because it is the committed work force that does business to make profits.
    • A CONSAM Company is committed to remunerate a CONSAM Employee on basis of their long-term performance in accordance with the relevant statutes in order to ensure that a CONSAM Employee discharges his obligations involving true Entrepreneurial Skills.
    • A CONSAM Company is committed for ensuring high checks & controls on misappropriation of its funds mainly to ensure better future for its Employees.
    • A CONSAM Company primarily believes in the performance of its work-force that creates wealth and not only the wealth.

    You may interact with our HR department via email at hr@consam.in